Plans and purpose

"Many are the plans in the mind of a man,
    but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand."
Proverbs 19:21
Friday at lunch I was invited to spend the evening with friends in their apartment. 
Maybe watch a movie.
Final choice: stream the Regional Tournament games 
the KCU Basketball teams were playing in.
Streaming did not work at their apartment.
Streaming did not work at Lusby Center.
Streaming did work at the Smith Building.

I was pleasantly surprised to see Bre enter the room-I wondered which one of the five people I was with had texted her and Andrew. Turns out they were in the room above us watching the CROSS simulcast. She had heard noise and came to see what was going on. She visited for a few minutes and left. I received a text from Andrew. 
"Hi. Hey! What are you doing?"
"Sitting in the room below you, waiting on the boys basketball game."
"We're having more fun ;) come up here!"

Since the game hadn't started yet, I went upstairs to say hi.
John Piper was speaking. 
I got "sucked in"....
and never made it back down to watch basketball.
All my life I have followed the rule:
"Leave with the one you came with." 
I broke that rule last night.
This is why:

Friday February 27, 2015

7 pm (Eastern) — Main Session 1

John Piper: Undaunted by the Darkness: Invincible Joy for the Sake of the Nations
Panel: Who On Earth Are We Talking About? Naming the Unreached and Unengaged and Why
9:30 pm (Eastern) — Main Session 2Note: The following three talks will only be 15 minutes each.
Kevin DeYoung: Putting the Spread of the Gospel at Risk One Click at a Time
Mack Stiles: Clever Missionaries Need Not Apply
Thabiti Anyabwile: Don’t Mortgage the Mission
10:15 pm (Eastern) — Main Session 3
David Platt: Undaunted by Resistance: Sustaining Missionary Zeal for the Sake of the Nations
End Time: 12 am (Eastern)
My mind had been scrambling to find something totally different to do on this Friday evening. My friend's invitation helped me make a plan. Our plans contributed to something bigger. I think God's purpose for me was to be part of that simulcast. How interesting is the path that took me there? I had seen it promoted once and thought "that might be interesting" but didn't note the date or time. What if I hadn't been invited to the apartment? What if the Internet had worked at any of those other places? What if Bre had not come downstairs?

Last Saturday one of my soccer girls asked me to go to The Rock and Worship Roadshow in Charleston. I answered yes before thinking about the date. My mind was at rest-the plan was to enjoy an evening with Gretta and some of my KCU kids. How can you turn down Crowder and ten dollar tickets? 

It was a great idea, an event I was looking forward to-until this morning. When I started getting very nervous. When I was afraid I would break into an ugly cry since this is the six month anniversary weekend. My mind said my plan was not a good idea, so my new plan was to cancel my plans to go. They would understand. (Side note-since February only has 28 days, not 29, does it count as 6 months?) 
I had my quiet time, I prayed and I talked myself down out of my panic and decided going was indeed a good plan.

I knew several different groups were scheduled to perform, but I didn't pay much attention to who they were, my plan was to enjoy Crowder.
God's purpose:
Post concert I can tell you that I was led to worship by eight very different artists/groups. I wish I had made a list of their songs.
I am They
Jon Guerra
Group 1 Crew
Danny Goeke
Jamie Grace 
Matt Maher

My plan was to find ways to make it through the weekend.
God's purpose is that I know Him better and share Him with others, that He be glorified, honored, lifted up, praised, loved, worshiped.

Friday night was an evening filled with teaching by men who are passionate about taking the Gospel to those who have not heard the good news that God loves them and desires to have a relationship with them. It was a time that affirmed and fed my passion to be "on purpose" in my relationship with God and in my relationships with others, to pursue Discipleship.
To paraphrase what I heard:
Hell is real. 
It is ugly. 
God doesn't want anyone to go to hell.
A relationship with Jesus is the only way to avoid hell.
There are almost three billion people who are unreached-
        meaning they have absolutely no one to tell them about Jesus. 
        No one they know is a Christian. 
        There is no church near them.
There are only two options for believers;
        go and tell people the good news 
        or make it possible for others to go. 
Go or send.
Pray, ask God what your place is right now, 
knowing your role may change in the future.
Don't neglect those around you-share the good news of Jesus.

Saturday night was a night of worship led by groups who are passionate about singing the praises of our great God. 
Crowder was the last artist to play-
His song choices specifically spoke healing to my heart:
"There is no sorrow that heaven can't heal..."
"Oh, How He loves us..."
"In the middle of the storm, I am holding onto You..."
"I saw the more darkness, no more night..."

I am convinced that man's plans will not thwart God's purpose.
God invites us to join Him in making Him known, 
in bringing Him honor and glory.

Two nights.
Two very different events.
Two very different groups of people.
(Three if you count the original Friday night group.)
Many different leaders.
Many different followers.
One God lifted up and praised.


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