Friday the 13th

Recruit Weekend

Can't find any of the four, maybe six, golf umbrellas I own
Go to K-Mart for umbrella
Two choices-black or brown

Since I am there
On a whim, in honor of "flannel Friday", look for a flannel shirt
Find one! On sale!

Just can't buy a dark umbrella, trip to Wal-mart.
Sunshine in the form of pansies and viola's! 
Rainbow umbrella-two different choices.

Home to unload
Back to car
Tire pressure suddenly at 16 pounds?

It is 3:25
Practice is at 3:30
Seven recruits I really want to see!

Detour to Car Dealership.
One minute drive.
Tire pressure at 15 pounds.

Decision time-should I go on to Tire Place?
Choose dealership-
Tire flat before they get it inside.

45 minutes later, tire is repaired.
Owner of dealership has them leave car in bay so I won't get wet.
Then refuses to let me pay.

Able to watch last half of practice
Stand under my rainbow umbrella
Thank God for this team

Dinner together
Euchre and two stories of faith journey
Signing a recruit

Friday the 13th
has been a day
full of blessings!


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