Life Doesn't Stop When You Are Grieving

One thing I learned a long time ago is that sometimes we find ourselves in the middle of storms not of our own making. Like the sailors on the boat with Jonah. Jonah was running from God. It wasn't the sailor's sin that caused the boat they were in to be tossed and torn by the raging storm, it was Jonah's sin. But the sailors still suffered. I am in that kind of a situation right now. 

Grief has many different causes.
Tears have been shed. 
More may be shed.

Someone I love is in trouble.
Made some bad choices.
Did some dumb things.
(As we all have.)
Is having a hard time dealing with the consequences.

I have prayed for them,
I have prayed over them,
I have prayed with them.

I have asked them hard questions.
I have shared with them hard truths.
I have given them sound council.

What do you do when your heart aches,
when "mom mode" kicks in and you want to protect,
but know that to do so
you may have to do something
that may be may be perceived as betrayal?

I continue to pray for them.
I continue to pray for myself.
I continue to pray for their situation.

Asking for wisdom
Asking for discernment
Asking for boldness and courage.

Someone I love is in trouble.
I want to make the right choices.
I want to do the right thing.
Even if it is misunderstood.
Knowing I will have to deal with the consequences.

Please join me in praying.


  1. Praying. Tough love is hard. Lord, please use speak through and give Your wisdom to Donnette. You know the situation. May You be glorified. Amen

    1. thank you for your prayers-and I echo, Amen.


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