a tack day

I have heard it said:
"it is harder to sit on a tack than on a mountain"
and I think I agree.

Sunday morning I planned on going to Sunday School.
I was running late. A Tack.
Went out to the car.
Windows were frosted over. A Tack.
My scraper was in the house. A Tack.

When I got to church our SS room was empty. A Tack.
I went to the prayer room.
Enjoyed my quiet time.
Had a few extra minutes before service began.
Didn't want to waste it.
Saw a paper that had suggestions for prayer.
I didn't realize it was from our 12 hour prayer vigil a year ago.
Read it.
First area of focus: 
Leaders of the church-
Bill's name was on it. A Tack.

Walked out of prayer room.
Headed toward Life Center for service.
Said hello to the man who took care of the funeral.
He is helping me with ordering the headstone.
It was time to take half of payment to him. A Tack.
(Not because I don't want to pay,
but because I don't want to have a reason to pay.)

Sunday was 7 months. A Mountainous Tack.

No one was free when I went to drop the check off. A Tack.
Driving into the Funeral home parking lot. A Tack.
Going by myself. A Tack.

Had to flush another one of my guppies last night. A Tack.

I got a text before chapel this morning.
The drawing for the headstone was ready.
I needed to go to the funeral home to okay it. A Tack.
Texted my prayer warriors.
Andrew was able to go with me.
They spelled my name wrong. A Tack.
I have to go back when the new drawing comes in. A Tack.

All "little" things.
Does anyone else find it is easier to deal a "big" thing,
than to deal with a bunch of "little" things?

Thankfully I have a wonderful support system,
and there have been good experiences
alongside the attacks to provide balance.


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