Life Changes

One sure thing about life:
It changes.
17 and single 
is much different 
from 55 and single
on so many, many levels.
Especially after living the years in between with a Godly husband.

Our Wedding Day
August 6,1977
We were both just babies.

At 18 I didn't really know who I was.
I knew I was looking for security and love-
I knew Bill offered those,
and he was beyond handsome,
so I was more than happy to marry him.

At 55 I know who I am.                                  
I have found security and love-
and the man who loved me,
who provided a secure relationship     
and only got more handsome as the years passed,
is the one responsible for teaching me how
to find those things in a relationship with God.

Ruth's wedding day, with all our babies at the time.

And the two who have joined our family since then...


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