Happy Fathers Day? *

I have friends who are excited to celebrate Father's Day.
First time dads.
Fathers with a new baby in the family.
Those expecting a baby.
Exciting stuff.

I have friends with hearts breaking as they face tomorrow-
they have lost their father,
they have lost their husband,
they have lost a child.
They are hurting.
They are watching their children hurt.
Friends who want to be a father and aren't.
Friends have fathers who are not worth celebrating.

I have been dreading this Father's Day.
There are three reasons.
October 2002 
July 2009
August 2014

How will I "celebrate" Father's Day 
when the men who were fathers in my life-
my dad,
my father-in-law,
my husband
are missing from my life?
I will be thankful they were men I miss.

Then I will look at what I have, 
not focus on what I have lost. 
I am thankful for my heavenly Father,
I will have plenty of soft Kleenex on hand,
and I am thankful for the men who fathered my grandchildren. 

Thank you 
Kourtney Funk
Scott Howie
Mike Maxey
David Markey
Jonathan Bondurant
Kyle Davies
for the beautiful grandchildren I have because of you.
I pray for you daily-
that you will you chase hard after God,
setting the bar high 
for what your daughters expect from a man,
and what your sons model their behavior after. 

* I have a friend who read this post and sent me a message:
"Can we be thankful for our dads/husbands but still hate tomorrow?"
My response:
"I hope so. If not, I am going to hell."
I am choosing to be thankful.
I don't think being thankful requires being happy.


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