Salekhard 305

Think “junk yard dog”. 
Big. Ugly. Scary. Strong. Loud. Straining the chain or rope.
There are several of them tied up in this neighborhood,
guarding homes and materials.
Think “scary dog”.
Slightly less frightening than a junk yard dog.
There are several of those loose in this neighborhood.
I am sure they are meant to be guarding homes and materials,
but occasionally when we walk,
they begin to approach us,
so we change direction or avoid that street.

Think underfed puppy.
One followed us home as we walked last evening.
Abigail discovered he was still here after breakfast.
We made her wait until she was done eating to go outside to "play"
(she really wanted to check on the puppy).
Her mama and papa told her not to pet him.
He has something going on with his eyes,
they had green goop coming from the tear ducts this morning.
She can see that he needs to be fed
and came in to ask if she could take him breakfast.
Since he isn’t our puppy, the answer had to be no.

After Bre, Selah and I were done eating 
we joined Abigail outside and we four girls went on a walk.
Puppy went with us.
We were rounding the corner, heading home,
when out of nowhere, from behind us came a “scary dog.”
Underfed puppy stood between us and him.
Even though the other dog was at least five times taller
and over all probably ten times bigger,
puppy stood his ground,
barking and letting him know we were “his people”.
Scary dog ended up tucking his tail and running away.
As puppy approached us,
he let out a few yips and barks aimed at the other dog,
“remember, they are mine”;
“you better stay away”;
or whatever it is dogs say when they are victorious protectors.

Sometimes the most unlikely candidates become heroes. 

Hero taking a much deserved nap after our walk,
using my boot as his pillow.


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