Salekhard 307

Kostya and his family.
My heart is torn. My heart is heavy.
I am ready to be home.
I have family and friends there that I miss.
I am not ready to leave here.
I have family here and new friends that I will miss.
There is work I know I am called to do at home.
I hope that I have done the work I was called to do here.

I have dear friends who are newly grieving this week:
One found out she is not pregnant. 
One faced her first anniversary without her husband. 
It would have been their 49th.
One lost a sister to cancer. 
The second sister in less than a year.

I am praying
with leaking eyes
and a hurting heart.
Knowing there isn’t, 
but wishing there was 
some way to make the grieving easier.
For all of us.

I thought that was all I was going to write, 
but, as I sat in the quiet, alone, another post came to mind...
Part two...
Deborah and some of my new friends.
We enjoyed a picnic with friends today.
I have been outside since 4 PM
it is now after 1 AM.
The mosquitoes came out in earnest at about 9 PM.
We applied spray, and it helped, but didn’t stop them.
I think I have killed more than 100.
As I sit here, 
praying, grieving, praising, singing,
still killing the pesky blood suckers,
taking pictures every few minutes,
documenting another sunrise,
this thought came to me:
Life is full of “mosquitos”-
annoying things,
that fly  around us
buzzing in our ears,
getting in our hair,
landing where ever they can,
trying to drain our life blood,
causing discomfort and pain.
And every day I have choices-
concentrate on the “mosquitos”,
get distracted by their annoyance,
maybe even refuse to “get out”-
or I can put myself out there,
protected as much as I can be,
swatting at them,
putting to death what I can
as I live and enjoy what is beautiful in each day.
Deborah and me tonight

Deborah, Abigail and Selah this morning

flowers for cloud berries

Sunset tonight
storm clouds obstructed my view of the sunrise,
but they could not hide the evidence
that it was rising


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