Salekhard 402

As I typed the title, 
I found my heart in my throat.
It is Saturday.
We leave on Tuesday.
There is never enough time with the ones you love.
Salekhard, formerly called Obdorsk, was settled September 14,1595.
In Sept. the number will change to reflect how old the city is.
The letters say Salekhard.
Today we visited “The Mammoth”.
The girls played Hide and Seek and Statues.
We took pictures.
It was a “mammoth”  accomplishment.
It was one of the highlights of Bill’s trip in 2013.
One of the places I wanted a picture of.
One of the places I dreaded getting close to.
Deborah, Bre, Andrew with Selah on his shoulders, me, Abigial
Sunrises and sunsets
(the beginning and the end of our days)
are not so far apart as I once thought.
Knowing that truth gives me courage to do things
I would otherwise be very tempted to avoid.


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