love expressed

Yesterday was a full day. 
Wedding and reception.
Sarah and I shopping for our mission trip to Costa Rica. (My first.) 
(My first mission trip, not shopping trip. 
I don't want there to be any confusion on that.)
Our last stop was Wal Mart. 
I checked my list one last time.

"Jumper Cables".
I don't need those for the trip, but I don't have any in my car.
I keep forgetting to look for them when I am out shopping.
I headed back to automotive.
I looked through every aisle.
I didn't see any.
They HAD to have some. 
As I started my second pass
I found some things I was not looking for.


Why did I have to be looking for jumper cables?
(Bill should have done this.)
Why hadn't we bought them before.
Maybe I don't need jumper cables in the car.
Why doesn't Wal Mart have any?

As I stood there, 
ready to leave my cart and bolt out of the store,
I asked myself,
"How did I enjoy a wedding and reception today
and then almost fall apart in an aisle in Wal Mart tonight?"

Love was expressed in my life in two very different ways yesterday-
joy and excitement over a marriage beginning, 
grief over my marriage ended.

a photo of Grayson Lake from their website.

Today I was extended two separate invitations: 
1) Lunch with friends, sharing wedding festivity left-overs. 
2) Another friend sent a text "we are taking the boat out". 
Tonight I am basking in the wonderful tired that comes from spending a relaxing day on the water in the sun with friends.

While I was at the lake Sarah collected a hug from a dear friend who made a surprise visit. 
There were three reasons she came.
1) was personal.
2) She wanted to stop and see Bill's grave site.
3) She wanted to give me a hug. 

Sarah said one of my KCU boys stopped to see me while I was gone. He gives the best hugs and even though I did not get one physically, I feel hugged. Knowing he stopped makes my heart smile.

Tonight my heart is full and overflowing because of the love I experienced today. Love that reached out and fed me lunch and dinner. Love that reached out and shared their boat and day with me. Love that motivated a friend I haven't seen for several years to take a four hour detour to see me and to honor Bill. Love that caused one of the sons of my heart to stop by and check on me.

Love is beautiful.
Love promotes healing.
Love is expressed in many different ways. 


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