the day I cried over a U Haul

The last eleven weeks have been an emotional whirlwind. 

April 1 I found out that Deborah is pregnant. 

April 3 Andrew and Bre asked me to pray about a possible ministry opportunity that would take them to another state. 

April 5 I found out Ruth is expecting. 

At the end of April Andrew and Bre accepted the ministry position. 

May 9th I watched Andrew and Kyle graduate with their Master's Degrees and said goodbye to some of my kids who were graduating from KCU. 

May 10th was Mother's Day.

May 12-June 10 was my Russia trip. It was during this trip that my necklace holding our wedding rings broke and Deborah found out she was expecting her first boy.

June 9th was my birthday.

June 12 Sarah and Kourtney found out they were pre-approved for a loan, so they are house hunting, they will be moving from here to somewhere south of Lexington as soon as they find a suitable place.  

June 15th was Mom Bondurant's birthday.

Father's Day is Sunday. 

It is the first time I have experienced these events without Bill here to share the joy and to pray alongside me. Not impossible, but difficult, faith growing opportunities for sure.

This evening my heart aches. Tears blurred my vision as I watched Andrew pull away driving a U Haul. In it are almost all of his and Bre's possessionsBre followed driving his car with the rest of their things. They are moving to Evansville Indiana. As Sarah and Beth flanked me, holding me up, I verbalized a question that keeps running through my head: "How can my heart be so happy and so sad at the same time?" I thought about taking a picture of him driving, but couldn't.

Life keeps changing. As it should. 

I keep praying. So I can live as I should.


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