Salekhard 403; Aksarka 201


Luda reached out to me my first Sunday at church-literally.
She led me to the area where Chai and sandwiches are served
and made sure I had a cup for chai, a sandwich and dessert.
Each week she has had a smile and hug for me.
Her eyes have spoken what her words could not.
This morning she had words of blessing for me,
a hug and a kiss on the cheek as we said goodbye.

Nadia reached out to me at the church picnic our second Sunday.
She shared her thermos of Chai with me.
She shared her heart.
I was hoping to get a picture with her this morning,
but she has either left for vacation or was working.

Natalya reached out and wrapped me in a hug last week after service.
She made sure I had Chai and a sandwich.
She asked if I would be there this week.
We are going to Aksarka as a family today. 
David made a special trip in to church so I could say goodbye.
As she and I shared a hug and a kiss on the cheek,
her kindness translated words I did not understand.

Being part of God’s family knits our hearts together without words.
It gives us family wherever we are.
Even to the ends of the earth.

Aksarka 201

This is Suvi.
She is from Finland.
She works with Wycliffe Bible Translators.
We had lunch with her today before service.
She made soup and offered some to us.

See that meat?
It is reindeer. 
I ate it. 
I liked it.
It was much tastier than the reindeer fat.
She also introduced me to Birch Tea.
She gathered the leaves, it is something they do in Finland.

One of the women always brings something to share at Chai.
Suvi looked in the bag.
With regret in her voice she looked at me and said,
"Sorry, no fish today. Just cookies."
Suvi had a big smile on her face.

Thank you Suvi, 
and believers who meet in Aksarka,
for allowing us into your lives
for being so generous with your chai,
and for being evidence of how big God's family is.


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