Salekhard 306

quickly pass the days...
I have witnessed more sunsets and sunrises, 
on the same day,
in the 20 days I have been in Salekhard,
than I have in my whole life combined.

This helps:
* the temperature is shown in Celsius

This cutie was my sunrise date today.
And yes, it really is this light 24/7 right now, 
unless it is cloudy.

Sunset last night:

11:44 PM

Sunrise this morning:

1:18 AM

1:19 AM

1:20 AM

broader view of the sunrise
I thought it would be interesting
 to compare photos of the same place
at sunset 
and at sunrise.
Share my enjoyment:
this is the same place,
90 minutes apart.
picture 1
just before sunset 11:44 PM

picture 2
just after sunrise 1:24 AM


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