Salekhard 305 ouch

Deborah and David have a Patrol that needed to be towed to their house this evening. David went into town to meet and pay the man who would tow it. When they got here Deborah said “You need to see how they do this here. Come on, we will watch them from your window.” 
On the way up the steps, I forgot for a moment and thought
 “I need to record this so I can show Bill when I get home.
 He will enjoy seeing it.*” 
Then reality slapped me across the face. 
I will spare you the gory details of the ambush. 
There is a crane with a hook on this truck. They put some sort of belts under the vehicle. There are rings on the ends of the belts. They attach the rings to a hook. When they are done the vehicle is in a sling, and they lift it off of the truck and set it on the ground. YIKES!
Different, but it works.
David stood on the bed of the truck, next to the Petrol to guide it so it wouldn't hit the side of truck bed. Kevin stood on the ground to guide it. Deborah and I prayed.
*Bill's father owned a towing company. Bill worked there part time during the school year and full time in the summer and on breaks from his teenage years through college. I rode in the tow truck with him sometimes when we were dating, and spent more than one evening at the shop so we could spend time together. Bill worked there full time for 5 years after we were married. Even after he began working at CVCA and later at KCU, he kept his dad's financial records.Tow trucks always make me think of Bill and his dad. 


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