Salekhard 405

The past three weeks and five days in Salekhard have been a wonderful adventure. The time went entirely too fast. 
Salekhard airport this morning- the weather matched the mood
It was difficult to leave this morning. If one of the girls had broken down, I may have changed my return ticket, even though Andrew had already navigated us through the check in process by the time David returned with them and Deborah. (David and Deborah have a RAV that seats four. He made two trips to get us all there this morning.)
The girls came in with smiles on their faces. Deborah and I looked at one another, smiles on our faces, but tears in our eyes. We took pictures in front of the fountain.

Selah, me, Abigail
Abigail, Andrew, Deborah, Bre, Selah

Hugs and kisses. 
More photos. 
More hugs and kisses.

Suddenly it was time to go through security. 
Andrew, me in front of him, Bre
At this airport there is a glass wall that separates the area you hang out in and the area security check happens. The girls and Deborah were on the other side of the glass. We blew kisses to one another, and said I love you. Then I made the I Love You sign. First Abigail, then Selah returned it. Deborah captured a picture as Selah and I touched hands through the glass. 

We were only a few minutes away from boarding so Andrew, Bre and I waved to them all one last time and walked into the boarding area. 

The flight to Moscow from Salekhard is about three hours. Heavy cloud cover kept me from seeing the ground for most of the flight, but once we got above the clouds the sun brightened the trip.
When we arrived at the Moscow airport we retrieved our luggage and checked in for our flight tomorrow, complete with securing our boarding passes. Moscow-Munich-Chicago-Pittsburgh. Then we went to Burger King where Bre and I sat and people watched while Andrew ordered our food- Whoppers, Fries and Pepsi for us. Burgers, Fries and Beer for many of the adults around us. 
Me, Bre and Mighty Mouse (my birthday gift from the girls). MM was thirsty.
After eating and checking social media, we caught the Airhotel transport, checked into our room and checked out the mini bar which is stocked with water, juice and two snacks a piece. All "free". Later this evening we will probably walk over to the airport and get some dinner. Maybe even do Cinnabon in the place of my birthday cake. After all, it isn't every year that I get to celebrate in Russia! 

Unless it becomes a new tradition...


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