Salekhard 401

The electricity went off at about 9 this morning.
That led to “potty by candle light” or flashlight
and no running water since the pump is electric.
Thank goodness for hand sanitizer 
and water in 5-8 liter jugs.
Deborah and David had to go to town.
Getting ready in the dark,
and without running water was interesting,
but they did it!

Andrew, Selah and I took a walk early this afternoon.
It rained last night-that meant puddles in the road.
Selah wore her rain boots and walked through them. 
Zig zagging, hitting most. It made me smile.
It reminded of a story Mom Bondurant tells-
when Bill was a little boy he did the same thing.
I shared the story with Selah.
She smiled and we talked about puddles and little kids.
She didn’t miss a single puddle on our way home.

When we came in from our walk
Andrew recognized that the power was on.
He immediately made coffee.
Next he and Bre made quesadillas for lunch.
All I had to do was enjoy the fruits of their labor.

The only jewelry I have worn consistently
are rings that tied me to Bill and identified me as "his"-
his class ring, 
my engagement ring, 
my wedding ring, 
my anniversary ring.
When Bre's parents came for the visitation
they brought me a chain for our wedding rings.
I have worn it since the funeral.
This afternoon I felt it slipping from my neck.
As I held the broken chain, tears falling, 
felt like I was saying good-bye 
to something I can't identify. 

I took it and placed it in Andrew's hands.
He wishes he was a jeweler so he could repair it.
Bre asked if she can take it home to get it fixed.
It is strange.
I don't know when or even if I will wear it again
but I do want it repaired.
Maybe because it is something broken that can be fixed.


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