weddings and marriages

Today two of my soccer kids, one young man and one young woman, got married. Unfortunately for me, they aren't a couple. I have not figured out how to be in two places at one time. I wrestled. I wanted to attend both weddings. How did I choose? Staci and Shawn got married in a town an hour away. Jacob and Jill got married a block away. Emotional stability is not my strong suit at this point in my life. I would be attending the wedding alone. My first without Bill. Right or wrong, distance was the deciding factor. I figured if I was crying too hard to drive, Jacob's wedding was within walking distance of home.

It was a beautiful ceremony. 

Jacob and Jill chose three people to share memories. One shared about Jacob, another shared about Jill, and a third shared about them as a couple. The explanation of what marriage is and what is expected from them as individuals and as a couple was clear and based on Biblical expectations. Respect one another. Honor one another. Submit to one another. Serve one another. Love one another. Have fun. And  commitment "This is it. After today there is no other option. It is 'until death do you part'." There was the "I do" and "With this ring I thee wed" for each of them, the "Now you may kiss your bride" and "I introduce to you Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Harding."

I was blessed by helping with the reception.

I came away with many gifts. A pair of sunglasses because those of us who attended had "brightened their lives in some way". Two long cream filled donuts. Insight into the Harden's as individuals and as a couple. The satisfaction that comes from serving someone you love. No tears. Hugs. My hand was held. A picture with the beaming couple. The privilege of praying with them. Pleasant memories of my wedding which led to reflection on our marriage. This evening I have celebrated with thanksgiving and joy that Bill and I faithfully honored our vows. It wasn't our strength, smarts or ability that made our marriage work. It was as our individual relationships with God deepened and matured, that our marriage was fed and nurtured.

Beautiful weddings do not guarantee a beautiful marriage. 

Jacob and Jill (and Staci and Shawn) have individual relationships with God. As they continue to grow in those relationships, as they choose to build their marriage on His principles, they will have beautiful marriages; not always easy, life is sometimes hard, but marriages that last. There is special beauty in those, scars and all.

This evening several things have been on replay in my mind:
Life gets messy.
Commitment is beautiful.
Commitment with love is even more beautiful.
Love, as defined by God, is a wonderful thing to celebrate.

"Love is patient and kind; 
love does not envy or boast; 
it is not arrogant or rude. 
It does not insist on its own way; 
it is not irritable or resentful; 
it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, 
but rejoices with the truth.  
Love bears all things, 
believes all things, 
hopes all things, 
endures all things.  
Love never ends..."
1 Corinthians 13:4-8

"For better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health." Ten months ago death separated me from the one who was committed to loving me like that. Tonight I praise and thank God for the people He has put in my life. Especially those who are faithfully walking through this, the most messy part of my life, loving me every step of the way. Rejoicing with me in victories big and small. Trusting me with their hurts and inviting me to share in the beauty of their lives. Love will never allow me to give up. Love woos me to truly live.


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