a plan comes together

four more sleeps
and it begins
a huge celebration
the realization of a dream,
the fulfillment of a promise

the day we set aside to celebrate Jesus' birthday
is also the day our family embarks on a new journey,
one that was wished and hoped for for years
we will begin our trip south to enjoy a fuller family vacation

Bill wanted to take our kids and their families on a vacation
when he and I went to Panama City Beach last May he said; 
"This is it. This is where I want to bring the kids."
we wouldn't have enough time or money to do it last year
so we were planning on this being their 2015 Christmas gift 
this may be the last picture taken of Bill and I
we were trying to take a selfie
a stranger took pity on us
last Christmas I told the kids what Bill had planned
I asked them if they would be interested in going
it was a unanimous yes
and so began my 10 month search for a house on the beach
large enough for the then 22, now 23, of us who live in the states

By turns,
I am both excited and dreading this trip (mostly excited)
we will miss Bill
we wish Deborah, David, Abigail, Selah and Gabriel could be with us
we will enjoy the ocean, worship on the beach and the gift of time together

the realization of a dream, the fulfillment of a promise
will, without a doubt bring tears, both happy and sad
as we reminisce, speculate, and make new memories
this is part of how we are keeping our commitment 
to continue to live, laugh and love lavishly


  1. Amen! Go for it! Have a blast! Memory making is important. God will meet all of you there.


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