a safe place

"the safest place to be in the world is in the center of God's will"
  1. have you heard that?
  2. have you said it?
  3. have you questioned it?
  1. I have.
  2. I think I may have.
  3. I do.
"the safest place in the world to be is in the center of God's will"

Is it?
I wonder...
What would these people say:

Abel as his brother Cain took his life.

Noah as he built the ark at a time when it had never rained.

Abraham and Sarah as they left all they had ever known to go to an unknown place.

Sarah as she waited as a part of a harem because the ruler thought she was Abraham's sister, not his wife.

Lot as angry men beat on his door, asking for him to give them the men he sheltered.

Isaac bound on the alter, knife raised to take his life.

Joseph in the pit by the hand of his brothers and later in prison by the lies of a woman.

Job when he lost everything he had. Everything. Except his hurting wife and less than helpful friends.

Daniel as he was put in the den of lions.

Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego as they faced the fiery furnace whose heat was so fierce it took the lives of the men who threw them in.

Mary as she faced her parents and Joseph with the news of her pregnancy.

Joseph as he faced his peers when Mary's condition became obvious.

Jesus as He was beaten mercilessly, spat upon, taunted, forced to carried his cross, nailed to it, then hung on it.

The apostles who were martyred.

Paul who was beaten and left for dead.

Countless, nameless believers who have suffered over the ages simply because they were believers.

"the safest place in the world is in the center of God's will"

Define safe.

Identify which world.

Explain to me what God's will is.

Because as I look at the examples of people who were living in God's will, recorded in the Bible and in the pages of history,
and as I look at some people I know who are currently living in God's will,
"safe", as this world defines it,
is not a word that comes to mind.

I don't think we are called to live lives of safety.
I think we are called to live lives of obedience, fueled by faith and trust and the love of God at work in us, with eternity in mind.

Not everyone agrees, which is why some people
who are simply living out what God has called them to do, are considered "radical" believers.
You know, the ones who might dare to leave home and creature comforts, who dare to enter volatile places to share the good news of peace and hope, redemption, reconciliation and forgiveness.
Or those who leave a "good" job to share the good news.
Or the intelligent ones who choose ministry over a professional career.
Or the woman who chooses to be "only" a homemaker (with or without children).
Or the ones who choose to remain single that they may be free to focus solely on God's call for their life.

"the safest place to be is in the center of God's will" 

I believe that ultimately, God's will is that we come to know Him. To become more like His Son Jesus daily. How do we do that? Seek Him. Read His Word. Pray. Ask the Holy Spirit to teach us. Practice what we learn.  
Every day.
As we grow in intimacy with Him we cannot help but share our relationship with others, teaching them what we learn about love, grace, mercy, hope, peace, rest, forgiveness, reconciliation, redemption, purpose, obedience. 

Being in the center of God's will, with this definition, 
is not only the safest place to live, 
it is the safest place to die.


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