beautiful and dangerous

the ocean and life have a lot in common
both are 
full of energy
sometimes stormy
awe inspiring when we look for God
people approach and enjoy it differently
rip tides lurk, hidden, waiting to pull you under
sand and other irritants get in places we would rather not have them in
to get the full experience you have to get your feet wet,
and when you get your feet wet you will encounter some crashing waves
sometimes you wish for nothing more than a calm moment to get your footing
there are dangers lurking all around
sometimes we see them, sometimes we don't 

I found this while I was walking Wednesday afternoon
it is beautiful, but dangerous
it is a Portuguese Man of War Jelly Fish
we showed the kids and told them NO TOUCHING

so what's a person to do?
avoid any and every thing that may pose a threat-
or educate ourselves and take precautions 
dare to take risks
or sequester ourselves, unrealistically thinking that is living...

I can't help but think of this song


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