taking care of business

as long as I own a dog I will need to buy dog food
as long as I own a large dog
it only makes sense to purchase a large bag of dog food

so how do I get a 50 pound bag from the store shelf into my cart 
      I hug it tight and wrestle 
from the cart to my trunk
      I stand it on end, then kind of flip it over so it falls in
      (so far, so good with this method) 
from my car to where it needs to go at the house
      it is a process
bag laying flat in trunk

my helper

tug a bit,

flip once

pull to the back yard

why not call someone to help me?
because I am just a little independent 
I know, this is a shock to those who know me :)
but really,
there is freedom and empowerment 
in figuring out how/if I can take care of my life's business
the list of what I can do is growing
I am growing
thank you for your prayers and help as I learn to live a different life


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