adulthood ain't got nothin' on me

Not to boast or brag overly much,
but yesterday,
yesterday I* nailed adulthood!
For some of you this will be silly,
but some of you will "get it".

I was at the doctor's office before 9:30 AM
for my new tradition of a yearly physical.
Not easy for someone who can't seem to fall asleep before 2 AM
and sometimes has trouble staying asleep,
especially if I am supposed to be somewhere the next morning.

Before I left the house I'd enjoyed
my time alone with the Lord
a shower
a bowl of old fashioned oats with butter and brown sugar,
and made a phone call to my health insurance agent about next years plan.

During the doctor appointment
I asked questions about what tests/procedures I need to continue,
and some other health related stuff without feeling like I was a bother.
(This is my personal issue,
not because of anything my doctor has ever said or done.)
We also talked about how I am doing. 
Doc says I am doing 
"better than expected.
I'll take that as a compliment.

And that was just the beginning!
I stopped at KCU and went into the Ruth building,
the building Bill's office is in,
to leave my monthly contribution
and was part of some "chit-chat".

I stopped at the bank and made two deposits,
then went to the Utility building to pay the water bill.
Without the current bill in hand because I can't find it. 
An uncomfortable situation for me because it shouts "irresponsible!".
I did think to take an old one so they would have the account number.
I went in, explained I'd lost the bill, 
answered some questions for files they are updating,
and survived being "the bother".
I also carried on small talk with someone I don't know. Major victory!

December and June are the months my car insurance is due.
So I stopped at the insurance office.
Asked the person at the counter,
another unfamiliar face,
some clarification questions,
paid the six month auto premium with the money I set aside each month.
December is the month the house insurance renews.
I decided to pay the house insurance in full rather than monthly to save $12. 
Without second guessing myself.

My kitchen appliances are kind of limping along.
The kids want to replace my dishwasher for Christmas.
I have been looking at fliers and on line for a month or so.
After talking to Ruth about it for at least the last week,
I actually made a trip to the store yesterday.
And went in.
By myself.
Talked to the salesman, someone I do know and we always buy from,
and walked out with his business card and a plan.

One of the things we discussed when I was with the doctor
was if I'd had the whooping cough vaccine.
I couldn't remember.
And I don't know where my record is.
So when I got home I called the health department,
again something I perceive as me being a bother
because I should be able to remember that kind of stuff,
and discovered I am due for a shot.
I called and found out how to get that taken care of.

All of that before noon.

Yesterday afternoon I met with a friend 
who has a Tastefully Simple Open House every year for me,
to get her orders and collect payment.
Entered all of her orders with ones I had collected.
Sent out a reminder that I was placing my last order of the year.

I worked on my two checking accounts.
For the first time since mid September.
Thankfully that is not something Bill is aware of.
To say it would bother him greatly is an understatement.

I received and entered another TS order.
Waited until about 8 to make sure there were no more last minute orders.
Entered host rewards, tried to close the party, and there was an issue.
So I started from scratch and re-entered the 25-30 orders.
All but 3 disappeared when I was in the final steps the second time.
I told Ruth I felt like cussing.
I didn't.
It turns out the third time was the charm,
and at 10 PM I was able to submit the order.

It probably isn't a big deal for you,
but yesterday's  activities/choices/situations were HUGE wins for me.
I cannot remember the last time
I felt as accomplished 
as I did when I sat and recounted my day.

It wears me out,
but yesterday, 
I nailed it yesterday.
And so far, today has been pretty good too.*
*"...Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the Lord of hosts."
from Zechariah 4:6


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