beach treasures

at 7:45 this morning Jonathan, 
these two cuties and I 
were pretty much the only ones on the beach...


I was not expecting to see this 
as we first stepped onto the sand-
I use "found" pennies as triggers 
to remind me that God loves me 
and He has life under control

at about 9 I went up to the house 
and found more grandchildren awake, 
so when I returned to the beach I brought a few with me
Benjamin, Xavier, Addy, Addi, Cristian and Willow with Jonathan
I had decided I was not going to look for any shells this morning. Instead I would simply enjoy watching some of the living treasures in my life... 

Mia Rose, the youngest with us
Beth, Andrew, Kourtney,Sarah, Ruth
and some of the older grandchildren

at about noon our tummies drove us in for lunch
I happened to look down as I was walking, hands and arms full,
and found something I have never found on any of my walks..
it doesn't compare to the real treasures in my life 
but it will serve as a trigger to be thankful for the memories we are making 
this picture is almost life size
sometimes the little things in life
make the biggest impact


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