early morning wrestling match

I woke up 6:30(ish) this morning wrestling,
feeling like I needed to get up and go outside to watch:
the sun rise?
to see ???
Something, it seemed, was going to be revealed/spoken to me that I would only get this morning. So, naturally, I lay and fought against it. Finally my good sense kicked in and at 6:50 I got up, pulled on jeans and my jacket and went out to stand on the porch...
and could barley see the ocean ahead of me it was so foggy or hazy

Greatly disappointed is putting it mildly.
Was I mistaken?
Was it only wishful thinking?
I almost turned away immediately to crawl back into bed.
But my feet seemed rooted to the deck boards I was standing on.
So I remained where I was and slowly heard a quiet word from the Lord.
"for now you see through a glass darkly.."
I know the the vast, magnificent ocean, horizon and beach
are right there in front of me, stretching for miles. I have seen it.
So, though I could not see it this morning not being able to see it did not make me doubt its existence. I can trust that it is there. It will be clearer later.
There are things I am certain of that I cannot fully see or appreciate today, but that does not keep me from anticipating the joy and beauty that will one day be clearly revealed.

"For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known." 
1 Corinthians 13:12 KJV
it never did get clear today
but that did not keep us from enjoying
the life we could see in front of us


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