belly laughs

yesterday, if it was anything,
was a day of extremes
from the early morning battle
to the early evening skirmish
to the mid evening belly laugh

if you read my two posts yesterday
you already know about the dark hours
and the delivery guy ambush
but three posts in one day-I just couldn't
so I saved the belly laugh to share today

Kyle was switching his phone service to our family plan
it was almost an all day event for him
phone calls to customer service
a visit to the store
more phone calls

finally we got the right person 
to call the right person
with the right information
so we could call and do our part
Mark was the gentleman we were dealing with for 25+ minutes

during the course of that conversation
Mark said "Is that a young child I hear?"
"Yes, that is my 19 month old grandson"
obvious shock in Mark's voice as he replied
"from your voice I thought you were my age"...

I don't know if it was all of the tears the day had held 
or if there was another cause, 
but when he put me on hold again
Ruth, Kyle and I busted out belly laughing
it wasn't so much what he said 
as the way he said it
flirting is a strong word, so we will say he was a little overly friendly

that suspicion was bolstered 
when he later told me
"you have a very nice voice..."
I didn't know what to say
so I ignored the comment

yesterday was a vivid example of one of my new life mottos
"cry when you need to, 
laugh when you can."

A joyful heart is good medicine,

    but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.
Proverbs 17:22


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