gifts at the sea

I have not come to the beach often,
but each time I have visited 
I split my time between 
walking, intently searching for shells
and sitting, mesmerized by the ocean

this morning I switched it up a bit
while walking east I glanced for shells 
but concentrated on watching the living, moving, powerful force of the ocean
hoping to see dolphins like Bill and I saw last May
I saw a creature swimming close to the shore
I knew it was a not a dolphin 
so I stopped and hoped I could figure out what it was-
at one point I thought maybe it was a sea turtle
which would be a first for me and something fun to see, 
but after careful observation and my limited experience
I believe it was a stingray
and it is something I would have missed 
if I had limited myself to my normal activity as I walk 

as I returned to where my family was playing, 
still looking at the ocean rather than seeking to find the perfect shell
I received another gift 
I saw something dark bobbing on a wave 
I wondered if it was a solo cup
and smiled as I realized it was a bird
and I got to see it dive, fishing, several times

I sat with the family for a while 
then headed west on the beach
this time I was looking for shells
and simply glancing at the ocean
my normal routine
I felt something hit my back
and quickly identified that it was raining
I turned and headed back to the house we are renting
and saw two of my children braving the rain, coming to make sure I was okay

I have walked in the rain
I have walked on the beach
I have never walked on the beach on the rain
it is a different experience
the heaviness of the rain drops came from sand mixed in
by the time we reached the house the storm was spent
but we were soaked and cold and it was almost lunch time
so we came in and got cleaned up
after lunch the grandchildren opened gifts from their aunts and uncles
afterward the adults had a white elephant gift exchange
laughter and fun filled the downstairs family room today

the sky cleared
so I went for another walk
this time looking for shells for the little girls
when I got back I was hoping to give the big people a chance to relax
so I took the grandchildren out to play in the sand
the red flag is flying, signifying increased rip tide danger
so I do not let them play in the waves when I am by myself
while we were out there I kept my eye on the western sky
because where we have witnessed beautiful sunsets
gray clouds had gathered and the wind was picking up
two dads joined the children and me
the clouds got darker and we made the decision to head in
not long after a storm with heavy rain began to fall

am I bummed about the two rain experiences today?
not at all-
I am thankful for the sunshine we have played in each day
especially since the forecast when we left said rain every day! 
what a blessing this week has already been

"This is the Lord's doing; 
it is marvelous in our eyes.
This is the day that the Lord has made;
let us rejoice and be glad in it."
Psalm 118:23-24


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