A Hallowistmas Lesson

today was weird
the morning was fresh and bright 
but as the afternoon progressed into evening
the mourning and sadness got greater and darker
it felt like a heavy wool coat on a hot, humid summer day
and I could not take it off

after watching the KCU football game
I set out to run away from home and do some mindless shopping
and remembered just in time there was a wedding today 
which meant I needed to go out and clean the church again
as I worked I could feel the ugly cry creeping up as memories flooded my mind
but the water works never started

I returned to KCU to walk a little, fully expecting those tears to fall
as I walked, memories of those first days after Bill's death were on my mind
I remembered Laura Jones stopping to check on me as I walked one night
as I was finishing my walk tonight, deja vu,
who should pull over to check on me but Miss KY and two friends, 
it made my heart smile and the heaviness lighten
this is "my" Miss KY, Laura Jones
we were both at the football game this afternoon
her special guy plays for KCU

exercised out, I went to Dollar Tree to pick up a few things
and was stopped in my tracks as I walked toward the first wall
what a contrast I faced
Halloween decorations 
Christmas decorations
I shook my head and walked on


I decided to wander over to KMart to see if they had any patio furniture
the lawn and garden section was 90% Christmas trees/decor
as I was walking from Christmas central toward the front checkouts
I once again stopped to take a photo
because the contrast, even more stark here,
was a vivid picture of what life is

the first centers on darkness and death and demanding (trick or treat)
the last is a celebration of Light and Life and giving
some days the darkness threatens to overwhelm me
but if I focus on what is true, not on what I feel, Light always dispels darkness

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it." John 1:1-4


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