do you act like a 2 1/2 year old?

This is Xavier and Mia.
Xavier is two and a half, Mia will be one in a few weeks.
Xavier is her big brother.
Xavier loves Mia.
Has since the first time he saw her.
It hasn't changed.
Even when she started crawling.
Even now that she is walking.
Even when she knocks over his Lego towers.
Ruth posted this picture on FB today.
This was her comment under it:
"Xavier LOVES his baby sister and is always trying to help her and he always tries to include her with what he is doing. Today we are at the park, and Mia hasn't mastered climbing the stairs yet. This picture shows Xavier throwing the rope down to help Mia get up so she can play with him! #prayingitstayslikethis #ilovemykids"

Love one another.
Help one another.
Forgive one another.
Be kind to one another.
Xavier gets it.

"Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity." 1 Timothy 4:12


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