I get it now

World Series
World SeriesGame 5 - Indians lead series 3-2
Sunday, October 30, 8:15 PM
Wrigley Field, Chicago, Illinois
2 - 3

I used to shake my head at Bill and ask,
"Do you really think they can hear you?"
as he watched a sporting event on television and gave tips to the participants

I didn't understand what drew him to spend hours watching baseball on tv
and here I am 
watching game five of the 2016 World Series 

I am talking to players and umpires as I watch things unfold
aware that they cannot hear me
but now I know sometimes there are words that need to be spoken!

as the Cubs are three outs away from their first win at Wrigley this series
the cameras pan the crowd in Chicago and focus on an Indian's fan,
one who stands with his eyes closed because he is too nervous to watch

him paying to be in the stadium
and closing his eyes at a crucial time
makes about as much sense as I exhibited talking to my computer

I was hoping the Indians would win the series tonight
and here I am sending a text of congratulations to my Cubs fan son-in-law 
I know, sometimes there is no rhyme or reason in the life of a sports fan


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