
the night before Deborah and family were flying back to Russia
I was doing some mending at the sewing machine
somehow, as I pushed away from the machine on my rolling chair 
my toes got bent under as I stood up
it hurt so bad I almost went down 
within minutes the middle toe on my left foot was turning red
I knew I had either broken the toe or a small blood vessel in it
I limped downstairs
I slept with it elevated on a pillow
the next morning I went to see an athletic trainer friend 
I may have fractured a small bone in that toe
I may have ruptured a blood vessel
I could lose the toe nail
there is not a lot you can for about a broken toe
her advice:
watch it
ice it
wear good shoes
buddy tape it if you want to
so I have been more diligent about wearing tennis shoes with support
if I wear sandals I wear the ones with good support
and I don't like my toes to be "choked" so I haven't buddy taped it

three weeks later 
it still hurts 
so today I buddy taped it 
that helped until I took my shoe and the tape off tonight
without that extra support it is a whole lot more tender and sore

my heart is like that
it has suffered trauma-it is tender and it hurts
if it weren't for the good support of friends and family
if it wasn't for those who have walked alongside me
I would be in a whole lot more pain


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