ever changing, ever the same

I just read the post I wrote on this date two years ago.
Even though life is always changing,
much remains the same...

the dark font is the original post
this font is for my current comments

How am I?
I am realizing I need to stop and make an honest evaluation more frequently
My emotions are like ping pong balls in an air blown lottery machine. 
now my days tend to be calmer overall 
And I never know for sure which one is going to escape.
this still rings true

This song, it speaks volumes.
Maybe more than it did when I chose it two years ago.
He NEVER fails.

I am learning to love God more intimately.
and the more I learn about Him, the more I love Him
I am learning to live life more "intentionally".
I appreciate and take full advantage of moments
I am learning to carry good Kleenex. Everywhere.
I am learning to be honest-with myself and with others. 
definitely still a work in progress, sometimes it is hard to be honest
I am learning how to cry, even in front of strangers, and not be ashamed.
still need practice on this
I am learning to listen for the INTENT rather than the content of people's words.
this continues to be valid
I am learning to not be surprised by the "unlikely" people God uses to bring comfort and encouragement into my life.
He never ceases to amaze me
I am learning that God is exceedingly, abundantly more than all I ever thought or imagined Him to be.
I am learning, that because of who God is, I am able to do more than I ever thought or imagined as He works in and through me.
He continues to surprise me
I am learning to live this new life.
yes, I am, I am living, not merely existing


  1. While I'm guessing that I may be an "unlikely," I find that surprises can be a good thing. You though, are NO surprise. Your faith, family, and love of others has remained consistent over all these years. Very glad I'm still in your life 40+ years later to see it.


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