Rashad Earls, more than a name

my phone rang last night
I looked to see who was calling
it was 10:06 PM
the beautiful mother of one of my football sons began speaking through tears
"it's bad, Donnette...it's real bad...he's gone...my baby is gone"

when I could speak I told her I wished I could be there with her
to wrap her up in a hug and cry alongside her
and a verse that has been going through my mind surfaced
“Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?”
to be honest, I was not a happy camper, I wanted to scream not nice things

this young man was soft spoken 
he had a huge grin that was contagious 
he was a dreamer of good dreams
he had a desire to open a place to minister to young people
he and another one of my guys drove 7 hours one way with Bill to rescue me

he was family

death may not hold victory for those whose lives are hidden in Christ,
but at least for me,
it has not lost it's sting
and while I do not grieve as though who have no hope,
death delivers a punishing blow each time it hits

We love you Rashad and always will
I hope you and Pops have met up already
one sweet day I will join you and all those who have gone before me


  1. Though I may not know the family, I still give my condolences to the family and friends,sorry for your loss

  2. No! No! No! He was such a fine young man. He had such a bright future!
    Rashad was a regular library user. When he was a senior he asked me for a book on what to do after graduation. The library didn't have any, so I bought some for him and some for the library - how to get a job, buy a car, balance your bank account, etc. I was so impressed with his foresight; recognizing that there were skills he was going to need to develop and did not yet have, and seeking help in developing them. I was always happy to see him. he was a real pleasure to have on campus.

  3. Rashad was an earnest and diligent student. Though quiet, I could see the wheels turning when we discussed stories or how to get a writing started. His smile lit up his face and made others smile, too. I am so sorry that his life has ended much too soon. God bless the broken hearted...


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