the dance continues

anyone who knows me
is well aware that I cannot
and therefore, I do not dance
but if I could,
I would like to dance with elegance

December 21, 2014 I wrote a post about life being a dance
currently I am in a place where I recognize 
that my steps seem to be going every which way but forward
sideways, yes
backward, a little
slipping and sliding out of control, occasionally
wanting to bang my head, umm, yeah, that too

I realized as I typed everything following "backward..."  
that those words are driven by a mindset that says 
if you are "still" sad, if you are "still" crying, you are not doing good. 

And I want to do good. 
I want YOU to think I am doing good.
As I evaluate where I am, I don't think I am doing bad. 
I think need to reevaluate my criteria! 
see what I accidently did there? 
Criteria = CRY-TEAR-eeah? yeah,that's probably funnier in my thoughts
My feelings may disagree, but I am actually doing okay.

I am, by turns, feeling:
beautifully broken
    confident in the knowledge God is at work in and for me
weary and worn 
     it takes a lot of energy to walk by faith and not by feelings
tired and tried
     grief and the devil do not fight fair
jealous and joyful 
     subject to flip flop without warning or explaination

I find that I am, on occasion,
irrationally irritated
     and that frustrates and embarasses and angers me
struggling with this stretching
     but I know growth requires it
cautiously confident
     I am right where I need to be, doing what I need to do
hesitantly adventurous
     knowing God may open new doors for ministry

these words from the hymn "Great is Thy Faithfulness" 
have echoed through my mind since I heard them sung this morning
"...strength for today..."
that is what He promises 
that is what I wait for with sure expectation
and that is what He delivers
faithfully, every single day

It is time to stop:
wrestling a foe I cannot see
listening to the lies that I should be "stronger/better/happier"

It is time to once again give myself permission: 

  • to pause when I need to
  • to take my time as I walk 
  • to make rest a priority
  • to be seen as "weak" in the eyes of some people
  • to cry on a friend's shoulder when I need to
  • to not resist the hard work grief is doing in my life
  • to continue to invest in and carry strong, soft Kleenex 


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