rare treats

a fire in my fire pit 
is not a frequent occurrence 
I simply don't bother to build one for just me to enjoy very often 

hobo pies, pudgie pies, not sure what other names they have
two pieces of buttered bread and pie filling or pizza makings
put in a cast iron pie iron and cooked over a fire 
were a treat at RLCA Family Campouts when my kids were young
and I don't think my grandkids have ever had one, until tonight

I bought the wrong kind of bread so they were not as tasty
but it was a fun experience
one that I hope will become regular rather than rare

the kids left the house in shifts this evening
Beth and the kids returned to Cincinnati 
Ruth and Kyle left to put Xavier and Mia to bed
Andrew stuck around a bit, helping me and playing with the kids
I was working on making sure the pie irons were ready for next time
he and Kyle had something to work on so he left too 
soon after, Sarah came to the back door and asked for a marshmallow stick

mmmmm, it's been a couple of months since I've had one
so I threw a few more  chunks of wood on the fire
and pulled out two lawn chairs

five kids stayed in the house
occupying themselves for over an hour
while Sarah and I sat at the fire talking, laughing,
roasting marshmallows and enjoying being together
I cannot tell you the last time that happened
my heart is smiling over a rare treat to add to the treasures hidden there


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