Win or lose, they are still his team

Bill was a sports fan.
He was a Cleveland Sports FANATIC!
He would be over the moon about the Indians playing in the World Series.
I shake my head.
My heart smiles.
I find myself doing by myself what I might not be doing if he was still here.
I am listening to baseball games. 
Not watching. I choose not to have TV
I am listening! formerly known as a "bore me to absolute tears" activity

I shed a few tears Tuesday night thinking about Bill 
and the years he loyally believed "this could be the year!"
and devotedly began the next season with fresh optimism and enthusiasm

Wednesday as I listened I thought about his reaction to game two.
He would be disappointed the Indians lost.
But, I know my husband. 
He would be happy for our son-in-law that the Cubs won.
Kourtney has waited for a world series longer than Bill did. 
So in Bill's place, I sent Kourtney a congrats text.
I kind of hope it is the last one I have to send in this series...

and yet, Kourtney is a fan(atic) the way Bill was a fan(atic)
so I guess in a way this years World Series is a win-win for our family
But make no mistake, my first choice is a Cleveland win.

In memory of Bill, 
my Aunt Judy 
and all those who have faithfully waited years for this I am cheering,
Bring home that World Series title!


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