four letter words compliments of COVID exposure

I am having to use some four letters word this week... 
some are hard to speak
some are hard to hear

Stop. Do not pass go, do not collect $200. This is no game.

Halt, your plans for the week are interrupted.

Wait, it's not yet time to "do" anything.

Stay, home is where you need to be. 

Work on resting as best you can

the only way I can successfully do those things 
and not lose what little mind I have left
is to implement more four letter words:

Stop and lean hard into God's love

Pray for "all the things" that go along with this virus

Wait, until it is time to test and the results are back before resuming "normal" life

Stay focused on what I know to be true-God sees, He cares

Work to release the what if's and if onlys


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