lilacs and pennies

Friday evening as I prepared to sit in a parking lot, literally, on a patch of grass in an island, to eat Chick-fil-a with the men's soccer team at KCU, I saw a penny. When I stood up to take care of my trash I found another. As I walked a bit before getting back into the car to finish the drive I found another. If you have been reading this blog for any amount of time you know that coins I find, regardless of their condition, actually, especially if they are scarred and worn, are something I stop and pick up. The wear does not affect the value. They are still reminders that in God I trust. In this case a reminder that Father, Son, Spirit, I need them all.

Today when I walked outside the back door I smelled them-the lilacs. The ones that are larger and more fragrant than those that bloomed in the spring. When lilacs are supposed to bloom. And as I walked to the shed to get the collapsible clothesline and clothespins I began to think-

who am I to decide when the lilacs are supposed to bloom?

would it not be better to thank God for this gift?

to admire their obedience?

to trust that He knows what He is doing?

who am I to decide when things are supposed to happen in my life?

to decide that the time for "this" or "that" is past.

would it not be better to thank God for the beauty of each day?

to look for where He is working?

to join Him there consistently?

to not worry about whether or not others understand the what or why?

I don't know what God is preparing me for.

But I think it's going to be extraordinary.



I don't want to miss it, whatever "it" is.


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