Louis Armstrong is right...

If you've been reading this blog for very long you are aware of my fascination with the sky. Thursday it was full of fluffy clouds, the kind you can recognize shapes and animals in. Friday it was a clear, bright autumn blue. I didn't pay much attention today. I was preoccupied with organizing my shed. As I was cleaning I thought of my family, how the kids have grown and the grandchildren are growing. Some of the things I've held onto are no longer needed so I took them out of the building to find them a new home. The first time I really "saw" the sky was tonight as I was closing blinds:
It made me think of a line from a Louis Armstrong song:
"and I think to myself, what a wonderful world."
I looked up the song, with lyrics, on YouTube. With the sky and with my thoughts of my family this week, especially today, the song is perfect.


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