moonlight praise

the moon and sunset set my heart soaring Saturday


 wispy clouds over the face of the moon as it was rising
sun set colors above and around it minutes later
 my soul responded to the silent wooing with "thank you Lord"

colors so vibrant their reflection in my mirror caused me to stop and snap a picture of what was behind me
when I turned onto the gravel lane the dazzling show was beside me 
so I stopped to snap a quick shot

I didn't realized how off center it was until I looked at it for this post
and I was glad it was crooked because it brought to mind a thought:
"don't allow life being off kilter to steal your joy or blind you to its beauty"

this evening I spent about 20 minutes in pure praise, 
hemmed in and overwhelmed by evolving night sky beauty
"The heavens declare the glory of God."  Amen


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