life, turned upside down

I don't know how I took this picture. I do know when it was taken because my phone keeps track of that. It was snapped last Tuesday when I got home from Lexington.

It began Monday,
feeling like life was turned upside down.
I was mentally prepared for the changes that come with the Markey's returning home
but not for the "in limbo" feeling that came with their need to change flight plans.

I did not see it when we left for the airport
but when I got home Tuesday something was missing-
it took a minute to realize it was their wagon.
And when I opened the door, there weren't enough shoes.
this is just a glimpse of life with family: 
new books in my chair and on my desk greeting me every morning
pillows misplaced, throw blankets not folded
lego creations in process and an ever ready picnic
smiles, special snacks and adventures
Selah worked on the doll house before they left and every room is in order.

Today I worked in my house. 
Their bedding is clean and dry.
Floors are swept.
Carpets vacuumed, rugs washed.
Almost everything is in its place...
but it feels like my life is upside down
and it's going to take me a minute or two to adjust to all the rooms being in order.



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