What do you do with your time now....?

"What do you do with your time now that your kids are grown, they've moved away and you are a widow?"


This is part of what I do.

I invest in the lives of the KCU Men's Soccer Team.


Attending practice 3:30-5:30(ish) daily.

Providing a listening ear when they want to talk.

A hug when they are homesick.

An encouraging word when it's been a tough practice.

Attending home games and travelling with them when they play away.

Eating fast food.

Sleeping in hotels.


Because they are part of my family.

For the privilege of watching them grow and mature.

Two of the older boys asked if they could cook for me Saturday evening. I was at dinner with friends when they texted so I asked for a rain check. They replied "of course." I owe them a home cooked meal because Friday they carried a king sized Tempurpedic mattress from a trailer parked on the road, through my house, up my stairs and set it in place. And wouldn't allow me to pay them.

About 30 minutes later they asked if they could come cook at my house. I was honored. I knew that if they were still willing to come, even though I wouldn't be there, that they knew they were welcome in my home anytime and that they are loved. 

What do I do now that my kids are grown, moved away and I am a widow? 

I look for new kids to love and pour into.

It's a wonderful way to invest my time and energy.


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