straight backed rocker for the win today


That chair is where I spent this beautiful Sunday afternoon and evening, thankful one of my good friends had my back, and there was ibuprofen in my system

because when I got home from walk, instead of doing this to untie my tennis shoes, 
I bent over and my back protested. Loudly. Painfully. As my mother in law says, "getting old isn't for sissies".

This afternoon I took a nap on the couch and it may be where I sleep tonight instead of trying to climb the steps to the second floor...

As I was contemplating sleeping arrangements, I looked up from the computer out my picture window and saw evidence that the sun is setting, and even with a tweaked back, I still have to admit, it's a pretty, wonderful world. Not everything that happens is good or wonderful, but that is the fault of sin, not the creation. And I wonder if I can sleep sitting up if I need to. I have plenty of blankets downstairs and that straight backed rocker with a flat seat did me good all day...

On second thought, I'm not going to consider that  option. With my luck I'd fall into a solid sleep and make a big impact on the cement. Ain't nobody got time for that mess.


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