hospitality is like riding a bike (and sometimes there are unexpected obstacles in your path)

and so it begins anew...
four young men who are part of the KCU soccer team came for lunch 
Labor Day means picnic food

burgers, hot dogs, bbq chicken, potato salad, baked beans, watermelon
lemonade, water
rice krispy treats, red raspberry cobbler with vanilla bean ice cream

lots of "little things" seem to go awry last evening and this morning
and I wondered if I'd made a mistake,
I was feeling like maybe I wasn't ready for this again 

but, ready or not, I couldn't renege-
the invitation had already been extended
1:00 was show time, and the meal worked out

I've missed having college students chat and laugh in my home
I'd forgotten how uncomplicated hospitality is:
feed them, and they will come 


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