go ahead, do it

I enjoy sitting at a fire, especially in the cool of the evening at the end of a beautiful fall day. There's just something about the wood heat, the popping and hissing from the logs and the flames dancing that is both exhilarating and relaxing. 
I have a firepit. 
I have wood. 
I have numerous chairs to choose from to sit in.
But I don't often have friends or family here. 
So the firepit remains cold, the wood pile, unchanged, my desire unfulfilled.
And it's no one's fault but my own.

I don't need to have anyone else here before I build and sit at a fire!
So why do I use that as a reason to not enjoy this?
After I mowed this evening as I sat on the porch swing cooling down I looked at the firepit and thought "this is the perfect night to build a fire!" I almost talked myself out of it, but something inside wouldn't be squelched tonight. The longing was too great. 
And so here I am, writing my blog while sitting on the porch swing, listening to the night noises- a chorus of crickets and, tonight, a fire burning along with children's voices and dogs barking in the distance. I am going to get tennis shoes on so my toes don't get cold and a sweatshirt to keep my back warm and then I'm going to go back to sitting by the fire.
Friend, if there is something that brings you joy or peace or happiness and it is within your means and isn't illegal or immoral-do what I am doing on this Friday night. Go ahead, treat yo'self!


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