graduation, slip and slides

Some life events cause great joy and sorrow at the same time.
KCU Graduation has always been one of those things for me.
It is a bittersweet time. 
Students who have wiggled their way into my heart
have finally completed the requirements for their degree.
I am proud of them for persevering, doing what they had to do, 
even when they didn't want to, so they can graduate.
I am excited to see what God has in store for them. 
I enjoy watching them spread their wings and soar!
When I hear about their ministry my heart smiles.
But for them to do those things, they have to leave here.

Andrew and Kyle have earned their Mater's degree.
Saturday they will walk across KCU's stage for the second time.
I am excited for them.
I am apprehensive for me.
Crying at graduation will not be a new thing for me,
but this year I run the risk of breaking into the ugly cry.
Graduation 2015 is especially bittersweet.
Bill isn't here to be part of it-
He will not be going to the gym early to save our seats,
I will not be stititng next to him, my kleenex in his pocket.
He can't tell our boys how proud he is of them.

This afternoon I sat on the porch swing, 
praying and contemplating Saturday's events.
I thought of past graduation afternoon festivities.
We will still have family in.
We will still cook hot dogs and hamburgers on the grill.
Andrew's trademark activity is a huge slip and slide. 
I don't know if that is part of his plans this year or not.
It won't be the same without "Pops" out there with the kids 
(from grandchildren to KCU students), running and then flopping on his belly, trying to get the best distance,
and it wouldn't be an Andrew graduation without one.


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