Salekhard 107 B

Thursday afternoon Deborah went to help a friend.
The guys were working on the house.
All day my emotions were in gentle turmoil.
For no particular reason,
every few minutes I could feel the tears threaten.
Bre caught me at a moment they were about to fall…
“Are you okay?”….
and a gentle cry started.
We talked for a while about nothing and everything.
I sent myself upstairs for a “time out”.
Bre finished dinner and entertained Abigail and Selah.

I have wonderful support here,
and I know God is with me wherever I am,
but I was missing the people who are part of my “every day”,
those I see and those I text or FB to stay in touch.
I took a chance that the Internet was on it’s A game.
I opened up Facebook…it loaded quickly!
I saw that two friends were on-line.
I sent a request for prayer.
I quickly received messages they would pray.
Then, as icing on the cake,
a third friend sent an unsolicited loving message.

God showed me that even “at the ends of the earth”
He is faithful, He will provide.
How do I know, without a doubt,
His hand was involved this afternoon?
For one thing, as I sit here six hours later,
completely at peace,
wanting to post this update
the Internet is not working.
I don’t NEED it right now, I only want it.
God is incredibly kind.
God is indescribably good.


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