the journey begins...

The newest journey has commenced.
We arrived safely in Pittsburg and had dinner with a friend and his girl at one of the Primanti Brothers Restaurants, a Pittsburgh institution since 1933. We each chose the Pitts Burger (see what they did there?) Thank you Cody for the introduction to something delicious and new for me-a burger, fries and coleslaw (I added onion as well) on thick sliced Italian Bread. Yes, the fries and the coleslaw were on the sandwich. Initially I was going to ask for those two items on the side-because that is where they belong. That is where I have always had them on my plate. But I decided to live dangerously-to step out of my comfort zone, to try something new. I am glad I did. 

I am sensing that this adventure is going to continue to be full of opportunities to participate in new experiences. Flying internationally with family tomorrow is new. It will be nice to be able to go to the bathroom and leave my carry on with Andrew or Bre rather than trying to maneuver it into one of those little stalls with me. I have been to the Chicago airport, but Frankfort, Moscow and Salekhard will be new. I am even considering purchasing a drink at the airport, even knowing they will be over priced, just to be able to say I did it. (To clarify "drink"-it will definitely be non-alchoholic). 

My intent, my desire, is to be willing to step out of my comfort zone, to take chances, to allow new ways of experiencing familiar things to be part of my decision making. How else can I grow? (All of this is written as I sit here, in a comfortable room, with a full belly, feeling content and safe. I hope I remember these things when I am tired, hungry, uncomfortable and/or unsure.)
Once again my heart is drawn to this song.


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