
Amazing Grace is one of my all time favorite songs.
When I received this journal I wanted to use it right away.
I wanted to save it for something special.
I put it on my bookshelf with my writing stuff.
I looked at it several times, but never wrote in it.

Christmas time 2014.
I saw it again.
I opened it up.
I had forgotten that a verse was printed on the presentation page.
The truth of Nehemiah 8:10 has resonated with me for years,
but never more than now.
It was time to pull it off the shelf and put it to good use.

First entry, January 1, 2015 
"Today begins the first year since I was in 9th grade and went to Donna Brown's sister's wedding, went to church & saw Bill that there is no hope I will spend the rest of my life with him. I am thankful that over the years I have learned to make God the center of my life, and not Bill. It was a long, hard road because I hung on so tightly to him (Bill as the center) for so long.

Amazing grace-I was shown it, long before I understood what it meant. Amazing grace called me into relationship with God. Amazing grace taught me that intimacy with God is a beautiful, satisfying thing. Amazing grace has carried me every day of my relationship with God-but I am more aware of it now than I have been.
" Tis grace hath brought me safe thus far, and grace will lead me home." 

I want to use this as my Thankful Journal this year.

Today I am thankful for God's grace-for lumbar stabilization exercises and for Skype with Deborah, Abigail and Selah.

Jan 2
Today I am thankful that the hard moments are just that-
moments...I am thankful for the release offered by the ugly cry.

Jan 3
Today I am thankful for the sweet taste of pineapple.... and xxxxx stopped in for a hug-what a gift. Thank you Lord.

Jan 4
This morning I got the gift of listening to Jonathan share a communion meditation...

Jan 5 
Today the sun was bright...

Jan 6
Today I saw a few snowflakes.
It made my heart smile.

Jan 12
Today I am thankful for the promise of spring.

Jan 21
Lots of tears again today-but what a wonderful gift when Jonathan stopped by, gave me a hug, held me, let me cry on him and asked if he could pray 

Jan 30
Today I received the gift of being held by Andrew as I sobbed-and hearing his heart beat. What a wonderful sound.

Feb 3
Today I was entrusted with "life/faith walk" stories from xxxxx (several of my soccer kids). Such a sweet gift, to be trusted.

Feb 23
Today I enjoyed the sunset

March 1
Today Korah Lily chose to be baptized!

March 24 I gave myself the gift of taking chances...

March 25
2:55 AM I give myself permission to smile as I think about how Bill would be saying "Only nine more months til Christmas..." 
Today I was given the gift of a chat with...

March 29
Today I was given the courage to....

There has been an entry every night since Jan 1, 2015.
Some nights it takes a little extra thought time, 
but there is always something to be thankful for. 


Why did I start a "thankful" journal?
Because it helps me focus on the good things in my life,
the numerous ways God reaches out to me through people.

today I was given the gift of sitting next to______

today I was given the gift of being invited ______

today I was given the gift of being held by ______ as I cried

today I was able to be part of ______

Today I was given the gift of being able to work on______

today I was given the gift of celebrating_____

today I was given the gift of worshiping with ______

April 4 (and several days since then)
Today I was given the gift of no tears.

May 2, 2015
Today I was given the gifts of attending a workshop with Bre, watching the KCU men's soccer team play a spring game, 
seeing the work Andrew and Levi did at the apartment, 
receiving a text from one of my guys thanking me for coming to the game today, a cup of coffee on my porch swing, being able to vacuum and wash my car, being invited to join friends for ice cream at DQ...

 "And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, 
to which indeed you were called in one body. 
And be thankful."
Colossians 3:15


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