too tired

We got into one of the Moscow airports this morning (Thursday) before noon. Moscow is eight hours ahead of Grayson. 
We had not really slept since we got up before 6:30AM Wednesday morning to eat breakfast and get to the Pittsburgh airport.
I was TIRED.
Too tired to do anything but nap.
But I knew I shouldn't nap, because I have to start the adjustment to the time change. In the end we will be 10 hours ahead of Grayson. 

Since I couldn't nap we went outside and took a few laps around the hotel property. Sat on some of the outdoor furniture and chatted. Those activities took up a whole 38 minutes I think-and we were going for at least 5.5 hours. (6PM)
We talked about going into Moscow. 
What sense did that make-I was too tired to stand!
On the other hand,
what sense did it make to be this close and NOT go?
SO back to the airport (a 25 minute car ride) we went.

Purchased tickets to ride the train 
to the Metro.

Purchased Metro passes 
and rode the green and the blue lines.
Destination: Moscow.

Final choice of activity to enjoy in Moscow: 
a walk around/through Red Square.
In honor of Bre, I must say two words: cats!
We went to Moscow today!

We saw the Kremlin-
we saw the place Lenin's body rests,
we saw a beautiful cathedral.

I was too tired to even think about going.
We all were.
But we pushed ourselves.
It is now almost 10 PM. 
I have been up for 32 hours.
I am too tired, for real, to do much other than press the spell check button and add a few picture tonight, I hope you enjoy.

One more thing:
the next time you have something you know you should do, or even just want to do, but think you are too tired-
think again, 
decide if you can push yourself just a little more.
I was reminded tonight that sometimes we are able to do more than we give ourselves credit for. 
Look at all I would have missed if I had stayed at the hotel-because the kids were going, with or without me! 


  1. My motto when I go on vacation is "Why not?"


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