Salekhard 101

It is after 1:15 AM here in Salekhard.
Deborah pulled back the black-out curtains.
It is still light outside. 
8 PM on a summer night in KY light.
It is May 15. 
There is snow beside their house. 
Water is delivered to their house once a week.
"Toto, we aren't in Kansas anymore".

Anxiety knocked again this morning when I awoke, hip hurting, knowing it was another full day that included breakfast in the dining room, another ride to the airport, another plane. I had a mental conversation with it. Something like this:

 "Hello unwelcome visitor. There is not much I can do to prevent you from showing your ugly mug, but there is something you need to know. If you choose to stick around, today will be different. I will not be trying to figure out how to "make it through today" with you hanging on like a cement block. You will have to tag along and try to keep up as I go on with my day. I acknowledge you are here, rude, totally uninvited, and I am not going to waste anymore energy on you, I have too much living to do today."

Breakfast was abundant and delicious.
The trip to the airport was comfortable.
Check in at the airport was a breeze.
The flight held a quick nap and was full of amazing views.
The welcome by Deborah and the girls was overwhelming lovely.
We have talked, had dinner, talked, celebrated Deborah's birthday with cake and Cinnabon, talked and unpacked the suitcases that held treasures-both requested and surprises and talked some more.

Tonight I realize that somewhere along the way today, 
anxiety must have felt slighted or unwelcome, 
because it left. 
Good riddance I say.

Tonight I find that while I am tired,
I am also 
in awe,
joy filled,
at peace,
and thankful.


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